Adult Therapy
Are you, a family member or someone you care for experiencing difficulty getting your message across?
Have you experienced a medical event or received a diagnosis which is impacting on your talking, understanding, reading, writing, eating or drinking?
Is your quality of life impacted by communication or swallowing difficulties?
SpeechPLUS offers assessment and therapy for adults who:
Can not make themselves understood by others
Have difficulty listening to and following instructions
Are experiencing changes in behavior as a result of not being able to understand or explain things
Are having difficulty eating and drinking without coughing, choking and/or discomfort
Have experienced communication or swallowing difficulties as a result of stroke, head injury, dementia, Parkinson’s Disease or a range of other medical events and diagnoses.
A tailored assessment is conducted and a plan of action is developed. This plan may involve:
Therapy sessions directly with a therapist
A program to conduct at home, with supervision from the therapist
A group session including other adults who are focusing on the same skills
Education to those around you or your loved one (family, respite staff, residential care facility) about the best way to support their communication and/or swallowing needs.